Zion Lutheran Church
Lake Crystal, Minnesota
Faithful and Generous
"I believe that God has created me together with all that exists. God has given me and still preserves my body and soul . . .In addition, God daily and abundantly provides shoes and clothing, food and drink, house and farm, spouse and children, fields, livestock and all property - along with all the necessities and nourishment for this body and life." (Luther's Small Catechism, The Creed, First Article)
In grateful response to ALL that God has given to us, including the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, we give our selves, our time, and our possessions to God and our neighbor. Here at Zion, this means financially supporting our congregation's ministries, sharing our time and gifts with our church and in the community, and seeking to love God and neighbor through all of our various vocations as workers, family members, citizens, and mentors.
General Fund offerings support Zion's ministry budget and our ministries of worship, education, outreach, pastoral care, and building maintenance. Gifts to the Building Fund are used to pay the mortgage remaining from our 2005 renovation. Special Offerings and Caring Coins are gathered periodically to support specific local and global ministry projects.
eGiving Options
Simplify your life and your giving to Zion by setting up automatic electronic giving! Make one-time or recurring donations using your debit/credit card or checking/savings account. It's easy, secure, and you can make changes at any time.